Boldueva O. Definition and classification of collective investment institutions.


  • Оксана Валеріївна Болдуєва Запорізький національний університет, Ukraine



collective investment funds, the criteria for classification.


The article theoretical generalization content of collective investment institutions and the criteria for their classification. Studied the specifics of investment funds as a specific type of business and their main function. The literature and legislation in investment funds refers to completely different objects - organizations, enterprises, financial products, financial intermediaries and public relations. This is because the researchers take into account only some forms and aspects of investment funds. Established that the basic functions of investment funds are: the mobilization of funds investors; association of property investors; investment assets of investment funds. The definition of investment funds (collective investment institutions) under which proposed to understand a set of financial intermediaries, providing participants raise funds by issuing securities or the conclusion of contracts, their associations and investing in a diversified basis in securities and other permitted items from for profit and distribution of the net asset value in proportion to the shares belonging to investors. As the main criteria for the classification of joint investment institutions invited to apply are: legal form; availability obligations on redemption of securities of the investment fund at the request of their owners; the specifics of the investment policy of investment funds; investment management strategy; Structure potential investors; sectoral focus; level of fixed costs management shareholders invested funds.

Author Biography

Оксана Валеріївна Болдуєва, Запорізький національний університет

д.е.н., доцент


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