Guo Jiafei. The transformation processes in management of state property in Ukraine.


  • Го Цзяфей Харьківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, м. Харків, Ukraine



state, state property, management, transformation processes, cycles, model.


The article explores the essence of management processes of state property in terms of the influence of transformational processes. The definition of public ownership was proposed. In the article author emphasize, the role of synergistic effect of state property management of the process in forming of new economic structure. The model of management of state property, that taking into account the emergent properties was described. The effect of the state property management processes in the overall control system was investigated. It is the sum of the effects of the processes of transformation of one form into another property and state property management processes It was revealed that the subprocesses, which carry a certain contribution to the overall transformation of state property management process have the costs and receive additional benefits. Author discover provided stability of state property management and  necessary conditions for the existence of processes of state property management system. The transformational cycle on the analysis of step-up and step-down waves allowed can establish the characteristics of the processes of public property was researched. Forming the transformation period and generalized nature of economic transformation in the model of transformational cycle was analyzed. In the article the use of generalized indicator of economic stability of the structure of the evaluation process for state property management was offered. The general condition of public property, and its individual elements were reviewed by using formal model, which can be formalized as a system of equations, that describing the movement of the system.

Author Biography

Го Цзяфей, Харьківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, м. Харків

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