Sierkova H. Self-Development enterprise as an foundation of mechanism of management economic development of industrial enterprises.


  • Ганна Михайлівна Сєркова Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



economic development of the enterprise, the management, self-development enterprise, the mechanism, the principles, the functions.


The article investigates the self-development of the enterprise as the basis of the mechanism of management of economic development of industrial enterprises. The article shows the different forms of enterprise development and disclosure of their identity. It was stressed that effective management of the enterprise development is ensured by a number of principles which constitute the basic, initial provisions established common, widespread rule action properties and economic processes. We derive a set of principles of management of the enterprise development: systematic (complex) continuity; flexibility and coordination; relevance of information; scientific; efficiency; optimality; timeliness; concreteness and measurability; margins; priority; employment; independence; participation; proportionality (balance); integration (hierarchy); responsiveness; interest; Unity. The article management system shows three interrelated subsystems (units): structural and functional, information-behavioral and self-development subsystem. Structural and functional unit is shown as a set of management units that implement the associated functions and perform their tasks in order to achieve the existing targets as well as performing desktop management enterprise. The essence of information-behavioral unit is to form a managerial ideology and value orientation of management systems, formal and informal relations between employees of the company. self-development unit reflects the emergence of the system of enterprise quality management as a desire for self-improvement, flexibility and adaptability to change, focus on innovation, the search for and development of progressive ideas and expedite their entry into the practice of functioning of the enterprise management system. The paper is accented that the functioning of self-development unit through management processes, which summarized the activities are combined in a certain system of control subjects, aimed at achieving their goals, through the implementation of certain functions using the methods and principles of management. Disabled, that today in control theory proposed a significant number of classifications of functions. Adopted by the general structure of the development of management functions, the relationship that forms a unit of self-development: planning, organization, management, motivation, accounting, evaluation, control and analysis.

Author Biography

Ганна Михайлівна Сєркова, Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця



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