Sh. Huseynova. Reform of higher education system of the Azerbaijan Republic.


  • Шахла Гусейнова Азербайджанский Государственный Экономический Университет, г. Баку, Azerbaijan



education, government programs, development strategy, universities.


In the article, the author points out that today in the formation of the development of the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Azerbaijan in 2011-2021 years, the company expects this strategy even more success. So the implementation of the results of scientific research will be an additional source of funding for higher education institutions.In a time of increased competition in the field of socio-economic activities, as well as the time gradually depleted natural resources in an information society where globalization has received a wide scope, further increases the role of higher education as well as in all countries, in Azerbaijan is undeniable role of higher education in the formation of human capital.In recent years our country has done much to strengthen and expand the logistical and educational base of universities, created the conditions for the introduction of new technologies in the educational process, some measures to facilitate integration into the European Higher Education Area, launched the implementation of the new over the quality control mechanism education, formed the legal framework at the level of modern requirements, in accordance with the decision of the head of the state significantly increased the wages of employees of universities. Thus, expanding opportunities for the participation of higher education institutions in international projects and programs, and will provide the connection of higher education institutions to the international information and communication system.

Author Biography

Шахла Гусейнова, Азербайджанский Государственный Экономический Университет, г. Баку

педагог кафедры: «Теоретическая и практическая экономика», доц., д.ф.э.н.


Закон Азербайджанской Республики «Об образовании» от 19 июня 2009 года

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