U. Sadiqova. Improving the efficiency of social and cultural activities through the rational use of resources.


  • Улькер Садыгова Азербайджанский Университет Туризма и Менеджмента, г. Баку, Azerbaijan




sphere of culture, efficiency, government programs, the concept of development.


The article is devoted to the effectiveness and impact of socio-cultural sphere, the positive public opinion, openness and availability of cultural products and services in the cultural services of the population. One of the main tasks of state policy in the social life of Azerbaijan is the preservation and development of the spiritual potential of the society on the basis of rational interaction of structural components of the socio-cultural sphere. Socio-cultural sphere is in the process of constant development. In the process of transformation of the socio-economic system of Azerbaijan, formation of a new economic management mechanism is necessary to improve the efficiency of the use of market-based instruments that would maximize the use of manpower, material, financial and information resources of the national economy, to ensure sustainable development of economic entities, not only in the short but also in the long-term and strategic perspective. At the same time the need for the formation of the modern approach aimed at improving the effectiveness of interaction between government and business entities in the transition to the market conditions, is especially important in the culture in which market relations have not received such a development, as in other sectors of the economy resulting in reduced of the performance of businesses and institutions that provide cultural services to the population complex.

Author Biography

Улькер Садыгова, Азербайджанский Университет Туризма и Менеджмента, г. Баку

педагог кафедры « Менеджмент»


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