E. Qojayeva. Strategy for combating poverty as a priority for employment.


  • Эльмира Годжаева Азербайджанский Университет Туризма и Менеджмента, г. Баку, Azerbaijan




employment, unemployment, competitiveness, small and medium business, poverty.


The article, the author indicates that to solve the problem of rural employment, it is necessary: to create the necessary conditions for the development of small business; Training in new professions; Provides loans to agricultural enterprises to create jobs; Introduction in agriculture of the production of new technologies that require young staff, taking into account the establishment of young specialists in the village; Increase employment by developing specific programs to promote them; Granting loans, investments in agricultural production. Thus, in Azerbaijan, for the further development of the agricultural sector, it is necessary to develop agricultural cooperation, and this, in turn, will have a clear concept of cooperative development to increase the internal and external competitiveness of agriculture and the withdrawal of local agro products to the world market. At the same time, it is necessary to start the construction of modern processing enterprises with their transfer to agricultural cooperatives. A great role in employment is played by the demand for citizens' professions, but since the problem of unemployment is often associated with the low demand for the profession of citizens who are unemployed or their inadequate qualifications. Therefore, the main role is played by retraining, retraining, as a result of which many can find work. Consequently, effective regulation of the activities of small and medium-sized businesses must become one of the most basic directions of the economic policy of the state. The mass development of entrepreneurship will stimulate the economic activity of the population, increase the responsibility of the population for their own material situation, which in turn will reduce dependence on social support of the state.

Author Biography

Эльмира Годжаева, Азербайджанский Университет Туризма и Менеджмента, г. Баку

доцент кафедры «Экономика»


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