S. Mishchenko. Foreign experience of state stimulation creation of new jobs.


  • Світлана Олегівна Міщенко Інститут підготовки кадрів Державної служби зайнятості, Київ, Ukraine




business incubators, state incentives, industrial parks, new jobs, technological parks.


The article deals with the experience of foreign governmental incentives to create new jobs.Determined effective government incentives aimed at creating new jobs.In order to increase the probability of growth of new jobs in tight spaces identified the need for additional government incentives that focus on supporting new local innovative businesses, promote the territory and attract investment.The conclusion is that in today's labor market it is necessary to ensure continued public interest in the creation of new jobs in innovative enterprises with high technological level of development.It is now under decentralization, each community should be interested in the economic growth of its own territory, taking into account national priorities.The development priorities of the projected investment and innovation policy and employment policy is based on targeted programs and employment programs for each individual territory.These programs should not be formal and provide for the long period of time.They should have a clear plan, development strategy and be effective for a constant monitoring and adjustment depending on the social and economic situation, which consists in the local community.The aim of these programs should be to create a socio-economic, legal and organizational measures that ensure the achievement of the identity of labor demand and its supply in a particular period of time (quarter, half-year, year).

Author Biography

Світлана Олегівна Міщенко, Інститут підготовки кадрів Державної служби зайнятості, Київ



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