M. Makarenko, A. Shayhatdinov. Development of a port infrastructure as the basic component of logistical potential.


  • Марина Василівна Макаренко Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Андрій Загітович Шайхатдінов Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




seaports, logistical potential, transport infrastructure, transport and forwarding expenses, port infrastructure.


In article it is underlined that the transport-forwarding component in expenses on transportation of cargoes considerably influences foreign trade development. The emphasis on necessity of careful studying of processes and the infrastructural objects necessary for direct realisation of the foreign trade activity, and in particular definitions of a role of a state policy concerning development of a port economy of Ukraine is placed. The logistics component in structure of the product made in the country, as the important characteristic of development of a national economy (as the macroeconomic indicator) is considered. Degree of realisation of logistical potential of Ukraine is analysed. Estimations of foreign analysts and the ministry of an infrastructure concerning capacity of the Ukrainian market of transport-forwarding services and a logistics level of development in general and a logistical infrastructure in particular are resulted. The reasons of low use by Ukraine the logistical potential are established. It is underlined that the insufficient attention is taken away to development of a transport infrastructure, a port infrastructure. It is noticed that state policy methods allow to develop and form transport corridors, to create harmonious work of ports which provides rapprochement of regions. All it is necessary for rational distribution of cargoes which would provide effective development of a port infrastructure.

Author Biographies

Марина Василівна Макаренко, Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь

зав. каф. Менеджменту та підприємництва на морському транспорті, д.е.н., професор

Андрій Загітович Шайхатдінов, Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь

зав. каф. Природничо-наукових та гуманітарних дисциплін, к.іст.н., доцент


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