N. Zakharenko. Analysis and development prospects of housing and community amenities Ukraine.





housing and communal services, strategic alliances, associations of co-owners of an apartment building, management company.


The article contains the results of the analysis of the state of housing and communal services in Ukraine. Studies of recent publications indicate that there are unresolved issues regarding the basic forms of organization of cooperation of citizens, as owners of housing and enterprises providing public services to the population. The mechanisms of possible cooperation of co-owners of multi-storey houses with communal enterprises are indicated. One of the most promising areas of cooperation in this area is a strategic alliance. Based on the analysis of the structure and dynamics of the housing stock in Ukraine, the main problem areas faced by co-owners in creating association co-owners in multi-apartment buildins have been identified. The dynamics of established and registered condominiums in Ukraine for the period 2005 - 2016 is investigated. The main problems of the enterprises of housing and communal services are indicated. Attention is paid to the planning of the efficiency of the development of housing and communal services, including not only certain levels of performance indicators and measures to ensure the planned level, but also the integrity of planning the economic complex. The introduction of measures to improve the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the housing and communal services is considered, which leads to a change in the indicators characterizing the activities of enterprises, organizations and the industry as a whole. The process of creating association co-owners in multi-apartment buildins in Ukraine is ambiguous and often complex, there is no other way to effectively manage your housing in an apartment building at the moment. And the earlier co-owners of the house decide on the creation of condominiums, the earlier they will start living in a renovated house. Despite the active policy of the state to stimulate the association co-owners in multi-apartment buildins, the indicator of the implementation of the plan for creating associations on average across the regions of Ukraine is quite low.

Author Biography

Наталя Сергіївна Захаренко, ДВНЗ «ПДТУ», Маріуполь

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіки підприємств


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