V. Rovenska, Н. Krasnozhon. Problems of sustainable development of enterprises of the road transport industry.
sustainable development, development strategy, transport industry, road transport, sustainable development of transport, sustainable transport, variants of development strategies.Abstract
Problems of the current state of the enterprises of the automobile industry is considered in article. Its effective functioning is a necessary condition for stabilization, structural transformation of the economy, development of foreign economic activity, satisfaction of the population's needs and social production in transportation, protection of Ukraine's economic interests. Ensuring sustainable development of any industry, and transport in particular, first of all, demands achievement of its dynamic development. Analysis of the structure of vehicles used by licensees, analysis of the dynamics of the number of passengers carried by road transport to 2015-2017 is made in the article. The main problems of the automotive industry are formulated. Today, it is extremely important for the scientific substantiation of sustainable development of the state as a national paradigm that can become a basis for overcoming dissonance and crisis phenomena and elevating the people of Ukraine. The building and rational use of the transport potential of the country and ensuring the sustainable development of the transport system of Ukraine belongs to one of such strategic directions. Strategies for sustainable development of road transport have to assume the implementation of a set of measures aimed at allowing investment capital and stimulating competition, implementing strategic planning to ensure the development of Ukraine's transport potential. In particular, the modernization of the existing road management system, the reconstruction of the road network, the effective management of the use of the automobile network, the improvement of the quality and safety of passenger transportation services. It is necessary to emphasize that implementation of perspectives of sustainable development of the enterprises in the road transport industry can become the base point of economic growth and improvement of the quality of life of the population. Orientation to the optimal functioning of the road transport industry should be considered as an important factor in Ukraine's sustainable economic development.
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