V. Krasnostup. Interrelation of the roles of the participants of the cross-functional team of the enterprise personnel with the stages of its life cycle.


  • Володимир Миколайович Красноступ Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2957-2603




cross-functional team, principles, types, interaction, enterprise, life cycle, personnel.


The article notes that teambuilding as a method of organizing labor is actively used in practice, which caused the attention of theorists and practitioners to the definition of the principles for the formation of effective teams. It is substantiated that the creation of effective cross-functional teams due to the variety of composition causes the greatest difficulty. The differences between the team and the group have been explored. The process of formation of cross-functional teams by studying the types of command interaction is studied. The relationship between the roles of the members of the cross-functional team and their functions is established in accordance with the stages of its life cycle. Under the life cycle, the period from the beginning of the formation to the end of the work on a certain project is accepted, after which the cross-functional team is transformed for the purpose of implementing other projects or even eliminated, since there is no further need for cross-functional interaction, or it was inefficient. It is proved that in each specific case the duration of the stages of the life cycle of the cross-functional team is individual, and the stages Formation, Burling and Disintegration are inherent in all the commands, while the Normation and Functioning stages can never be realized. It is proved that the principles of an effective cross-functional team are not comparable with the principles of classical vertical organizational structures with a clearly defined hierarchy, which corresponds to industrial enterprises, and this makes it expedient to transform them into network, linear, horizontal, virtual. The principles of forming a cross-functional team in an industrial enterprise are broadened by adding the following: the principle of unity, the principle of attainability of the goal, the principle of determining the roles in the team in accordance with the professional and personal competences of the employee.

Author Biography

Володимир Миколайович Красноступ, Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя

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