V. Helman. Personnel resources of machine-building enterprises in the crisis.


  • Валентина Миколаївна Гельман Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine




machine building enterprise, personnel resources, crisis, employment, wages, social and labor relations.


Human resources is one of the most important factors of competitiveness of enterprises of machine-building industry of Ukraine in terms of innovation and technological development, globalization reforms and market economy. Employment trends at the domestic enterprises of the machine-building industry of Ukraine have been investigated in recent years. Negative trends of reducing the number of the employed population found that primarily due to the poor state of the industry as a whole, the crisis phenomena in the economy, low wages, a lack of interest of companies in raising skill levels, the migration of skilled workers abroad, the lack of systematic planning of human resource development.. As a result, the difficult situation takes place: the state of social and labor relations at the enterprises of the machine-building industry is deteriorating, the level of conflict is increasing, protest activity is manifested, etc. The analysis of employment of workers and the analysis of expenses on compensation on the example of the leading enterprises of machine-building industry of the Zaporozhye region is carried out and testifies to existence of numerous problems for the sphere of personnel management. It is necessary to deal not with the causes of the crisis, but rather with its consequences for the exit of the enterprise from the crisis. Improvements in the machine-building industry are entirely within the competence of industry participants and relevant ministries and departments. The attention is focused on the human factor as one of the determining factors in the crisis, on the need for a systematic approach to personnel management also to achieve the goal of bringing the company out of the crisis. Prospect in further researches is carrying out the statistical analysis of communications for separate factors and indicators of and indicators of economic activities in machine-building production enterprises to use of correlation and regression instrumentes.

Author Biography

Валентина Миколаївна Гельман, Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя

к. е. н., доцент кафедри управління персоналом і маркетингу


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