D. Fayvishenko. Argumentation of the system approach to positioning of the trademark.


  • Діана Сергіївна Файвішенко Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет, Київ, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7880-9801




analytical forecasts, brand, positioning system, system approach, food complex, trade mark.


The article defines the concept of "system approach", the possibilities and perspectives of using of the system approach to the positioning of a trademark are cogented. The contribution to the general theory of the systems of the scientist Yu. Urmantsev, who singled out the concept "object-system", is given. The system aspects are presented and principles of the system approach are revealed, thanks to which there are possibilities of the perspective application of this approach in practice. On the basis of one of the aspects, namely the system-functional, the key functions of positioning are revealed. It is proved that the use of the system approach can be legitimate in terms of positioning the trademark. The system aspects are presented and the principles of the system approach are revealed, the formation of the positioning system is investigated, the main stages of the implementation of the system process are singled out, the notion of the system effect is determined. Modern examples of using the function of reminding already known trademarks such as "BonAqva" and "Borjomi" are given. It is concluded that the system approach creates the fundamental methodological basis for scientific knowledge and substantiation of the system of positioning, reveals its integrity, structure, functionality, dialectics of interconnection with the external environment, the mechanism of interaction of intersystem elements, formulate requirements for the purposes and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of positioning. The system effect is achieved by combining different parts into a single whole within the framework of the corresponding system.

Author Biography

Діана Сергіївна Файвішенко, Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет, Київ

кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри маркетингу та реклами


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