L. Kapranova, M. Kapranov. Impact of labor motivation on increasing the enterprise competitiveness.


  • Лариса Григорівна Капранова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6014-9999
  • Максим Андрійович Капранов ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine




labor potential, individual, motivation, incentive, economic activity, wages, models of motivation.


Theoretical and methodical and practical aspects of labor motivation are considered in the article. The article considered the influence of labor motivation on increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise. Modern models of staff motivation were considered. The dynamics of the average monthly salary in Ukraine was added. It was determined that over the past two years it has doubled. But, this trend has developed in connection with the increase in the minimum wage since 2016. It was determined that the income of the population in the hryvnia equivalent has increased 10 times. But, if you recalculate them relative to the US dollar rate, then the incomes of the population are at the income level of 2006-2007. Starting in 2013, the incomes of the population decreased almost threefold relatively to the US dollar. That is, we can say that the wellbeing of the population of Ukraine has almost tripled. In this situation, it is more expedient to apply the monetary model of labor incentive among all models of labor motivation. It is noted that in this situation it is advisable to use the Japanese model of staff motivation, which is based on the policy of material incentives using a synthesized system that combines elements of traditional (age and new) labor billing of employees. It iss concluded that motivation is the main stimulus to the economic activity of any individual, that is, in choosing a profession, achieving a high level of qualification, achieving a high level of well-being. Also, motivation is the main tool of the enterprise to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise's labor potential, improve product quality and increase labor productivity.

Author Biographies

Лариса Григорівна Капранова, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет»

завідувач кафедри економічної теорії та підприємництва,  доцент, к.е.н.

Максим Андрійович Капранов, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет»

магістр зі спеціальності «Якість, стандартизація та сертифікація»


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