Increasing innovational culture of regions in the conditions of new regionalism.


  • Rostislav Tulchinsky Candidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Public Administration, PHEI " Academician Yuri Bugay International Scientific and Technical University", Kyiv,



new regionalism, innovative culture, region, socio-economic development, intellectual capital, activation, strategic measures.


The article proposes measures to improve the innovation culture of the regions in the context of a new regionalism formation in Ukraine, namely: firstly, to raise the awareness of the population of regions regarding the established values of innovative regional development, the formation of the established types of behavior of social actors in everyday life and professional activity in the conditions of a new regionalism formation through the use of determinants of innovation development; secondly, in developing strategic measures for the innovative development of regions, measures should be taken to promote innovation values within the framework of the formation of the innovation culture of the regions; thirdly, to promote and encourage the acquisition of knowledge throughout life and creative thinking of the population of regions, the formation of new types of innovative behavior of the population, etc.; fourth, to integrate innovative values into the system of social values of the regions; fifth, to intensify the prognostic function of innovation culture, to promote prediction and identification of possible models of innovative development of regions; sixth, develop cognitive-information management mechanism, information market knowledge; seventh, encourage co-operation between actors of the innovation process (universities, research institutions, educational-scientific formations, industrial and agricultural producers, business incubators, technoparks, government agencies, financial institutions, etc.); eighthly, to increase intellectual capital, to demonstrate the creative abilities of young people to support and develop them; ninth, to form and stimulate the innovation infrastructure of the regions and their interconnections, which will contribute to the achievement of certain goals, based on the transformation of innovative ideas into a concrete result, and so on. The factors of influence on the growth of intellectual capital of regions are found out. It is substantiated that innovative culture simulates the behavior, thinking and life of the population of the regions, as well as forms the ideological environment, the atmosphere in society, the perception of the new idea as the value of the needy support that promotes the intellectual capital of the regions, the introduction of innovative ideas and creative thinking. It is revealed that the innovative culture of the regions forms an innovative culture of personalities that provides understanding and participation of the population in innovative processes, which in turn influences the formation of the general social innovation culture.


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