Management tools and technologies for the development of regional information management.


  • Yyuliya Kovalenko Індустріальний інститут ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет», м. Покровськ, Ukraine



information, regional information management, tools of regional information management, information infrastructure, information support.


The article has scientific and methodological character. The article deals with the issues of improving the system of regional information management (ROME) with the help of clear tools of legal, economic, financial, institutional, analytical and other nature. The level of informatization becomes one of the essential factors of successful economic development and competitiveness of the region both in domestic and foreign markets. The author proves that the allocation of types of tools ROME contributes to the understanding of its essence and makes it possible to determine the sequence of stages of its implementation. The article deals with the system of tools of ROME, taking into account foreign and Ukrainian management experience such as: social, financial, economic, innovative, legal, analytical, cultural, methodological support. Considering the social tools the author proves the need to change the approaches to power in relation to society from the point of view of the public not only the object of management, and a partner in establishing effective management. The introduction of financial and economic instruments is intensified through the use of new information technologies such as Big Data, which accumulate and process large amounts of information, attract project information, etc. The effectiveness of the use of innovative tools will be quite possible with the use of information technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS), which are designed to simulate complex dynamic processes occurring in the territories of cities, or physical processes in engineering communications. In administrative information technologies of legal support in the regions, first of all, the author proposes to include a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware, United in the technological chain, providing the collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of information. The effectiveness of analytical work largely depends on the quality of communication links between the analytical service, the subject of decision-making and the object of public administration, which will implement the decision. In order to implement the state policy in the field of culture, it is necessary to use the latest developments in information technology and the creation of special software as widely as possible. Also in regional management it is necessary to use a complex of methods and models that will allow to make necessary procedures and calculations for the purpose of obtaining objective, practically applied forecasts, plans, projects.

Author Biography

Yyuliya Kovalenko, Індустріальний інститут ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет», м. Покровськ

к. е. н., доцент кафедри менеджменту


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