S. Kolyadenko. Marketing approach to forming the region image: modern tools and actual tasks.





regional management, territorial marketing, marketing approach, image of the region, marketing tools.


The article substantiates the marketing approach to the processes of forming the image of the region in the current conditions of regional management development. It defines the tasks of modern concepts of the territory marketing. It is proved that territorial marketing acts as a factor of socio-economic development increase of investment activity and formation of favorable territorial image. The author notes that the study of the image of the territory in the context of the marketing approach involves an analysis of its development from the standpoint of territorial individuality, which demonstrates the differences of one territory from another. The article proposes a modern tool for territorial marketing, which is a set of possible tools that are used to achieve the goals of socio-economic development of the region. It is substantiated that marketing image is one of the strategically promising instruments of territorial marketing, connected with the attraction of investors and tourists on the basis of creation and distribution of a positive picture of the territory. The author focuses on the fact that in today’s conditions of regional management development in Ukraine, the implementation of world experience is important. This allows us to conclude that it is advisable to understand the territory of its own resource potential, unique features, and competitive advantages that determine the place in the system of social division of labor. The article systematizes of world experience and proposes modern concepts of territorial marketing from the point of view of regional management development coordination concept, partnership concept, integration concept. It determinates the expediency of formalizing the advantages of the territories marketing not only at the level of local administrations and self-government, but also in the business community, population in order to involve the public in the process of development and decision-making on prospects for the territorial development.

Author Biography

Світлана Василівна Коляденко, Вінницький національний аграрний університет

доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри економічної кібернетики


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