G. Shvets, EBRD and Ukraine cooperation in the sphere of small and medium enterprises.


  • Galyna Shvets Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, small and medium entrepreneurship, cooperation, reform, priority sectors, loan portfolio.


The article deals with topical issues of cooperation of Ukrainian small and medium enterprises with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In particular, the historical retrospective of cooperation and the current state are considered. The main directions of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are presented. The general branch structure of the EBRD and Ukraine credit portfolio is presented, where priority areas of support are identified: energy, infrastructure, industry, commerce and agriculture, financial sector. It is noted that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development provides Ukraine with assistance in implementing the reform process, namely: in developing and coordinating national priorities for reform; in setting up support groups for reform in selected priority ministries; in setting up a high-level international strategic advisory group to support Ukrainian reforms. The key factors limiting the disclosure of the potential of effective cooperation between Ukraine and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the macroeconomic field, macrofinancial sphere, public finance, at the level of initiation, preparation and implementation of projects are identified. Some results of EBRD cooperation with Ukrainian small and medium enterprises are presented. The conditions of EBRD cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises are described in the following areas: the main characteristics of direct financing; which companies can count on a loan; initial requirements for companies; the main steps to participate in financing. It is noted that the EU4Business initiative, which facilitates access to finance for small and medium-sized businesses, is a striking example of financial and advisory assistance for small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine, jointly with the EU and the EBRD; Provides training and targeted support for women-led and green-enterprise enterprises; Helps small and medium-sized businesses receive technical support for alignment with EU standards. The results of implementation of the EU4Business initiative in Ukraine for the period of 2009-2017 are presented.

Author Biography

Galyna Shvets, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

к.філол.н., доцент кафедри економічної теорії та підприємництва


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