A. Sahirova, Development of recreational - tourist potential of the regions of Ukraine.


  • Alina Sahirova Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




tourism, tourism market, regional tourism policy, regional tourism, tourism potential.


The article is of a survey nature. Tourism is a sign of the level of socio-economic development of the country and its separate regions. The more developed and stable is the economy of the country, the more stable the position is occupied by the national market of tourist services. The article emphasizes the importance of the regional market of tourist services as an important factor of socio - economic development in the region. The wide range of functions performed by tourism makes it possible to use it as an effective tool for stimulating socio-economic growth at macro and micro level management. The functions of tourism are manifested in the territories of specific regions, and the possibilities of its development are determined by the conditions of these regions. Therefore, the consideration of tourism as an instrument of socio-economic development is particularly relevant from the point of view of the regional approach. For Ukraine, the regional approach is extremely important due to the large territory and the substantial differentiation of regions in terms of the nature of the conditions of tourism development. The main problems of tourism development in Ukraine are also indicated. The ways and directions necessary for the long-term development of tourism at the regional level are considered. The basic principles of state regulation by regional policy are defined. The necessity of coordinating and ensuring interests of all subjects of the market of tourist services is emphasized, the need for development and implementation of effective tools for stimulation of regional development, establishment of international cooperation.

Author Biography

Alina Sahirova, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

доцент кафедри туризму, к.е.н, доцент


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