V. Bondarenko, Conceptual basis of management of the placement of enterprises of the region on the basis of reconstruction.


  • Valeriy Bondarenko Вінницький торгівельно-економічний інститут Київського національного торгівельно-економічного університету, м. Вінниця, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6182-6760




region, enterprise placement, economic development, business, concept.


The article deals with the systematization of the main approaches of organization of management of placement of enterprises of the region.  The author concludes that the greatest effect in practice can give the complex use of the selected approaches, because in this case it is possible to obtain a synergistic effect from the sum of the individual components of the formation of effects.  Systematization of approaches to the research of these problems in the area of solving the tasks of placing business processes, causes the application of multilevel stratification of the region's economy, implementation of a set of scientifically developed mesoeconomic modification measures of effective management, including those underlying the definition of the directions and forms of spatial business placement.  The model of multilevel management of processes of placement of enterprises is offered, which allows to expand the completeness and detail of controllability of subsystems of different levels (enterprise - region - industry) and the effectiveness of management of the economic system as a whole. When justifying management decisions on the territorial distribution of business, as a rule, several interconnected systems are involved.  It is advisable to single out five basic levels of management of economic systems that take part in the substantiation of management decisions on the geographical location of a business: enterprise, region, industry, economy, global economic environment.  Each control level has its own control system with separate feedback elements, which, closing the individual subprocesses, form a complete control circuit.  The output elements of the neighboring systems are at the same time the input elements of the systems of the next level, except the last one in the given system circuit.

Author Biography

Valeriy Bondarenko, Вінницький торгівельно-економічний інститут Київського національного торгівельно-економічного університету, м. Вінниця

декан обліково-фінансового факультету, доктор економічних наук, професор


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