Bilash L. Leadership, organizational culture and team interaction as key factors in the implementation of the personal potential of staff members in the system of strategic human resource management
potential, personality, human resources, culture, team management, leadership, organizational behaviorAbstract
The present article examines the behavioral concept of organizational culture, leadership and team management (of teams). It is emphasized their relationship and influence on the formation and realization of personal potential of employees of the company, which largely determines the competitive advantages of human resources and competitiveness of the enterprise. The personal potential in the present article is considered on the basis of the concept of Covi S., Travin V. V. and Armstrong H. It involves moral, communicative, qualified, educational, psychological and creative potential. The unsolved problem, to which the article is dedicated, reduces to determining the degree of satisfaction of managers and employees of the enterprise on the quality of leadership and team processes that determine the realization of personal potential of employees, contributing to the achievement of the company's competitiveness. The author analyzes the underlined problem, based on the study of such famous authors as James L. Gibson, Robbins S. P. (Organizational Behavior), Daft R., Shane E. (Organizational Culture and Leadership). The purpose of the present article was the founding of the behavioral characteristics of the organizational culture as the participation in decision-making subdivisions (departments, services), a variety of work, the new challenges, interchangeability of staff in a team, psychosocial cohesion in the team. The investigation conducted by the author by means of questioning of employees in a number of organizations in the Republic of Moldova allowed to justify the conclusion about the necessity of a strategic approach to improve leadership and team management, which is contributing to the formation of a learning organizational culture. Keywords: potential, personality, human resources, culture, team management, leadership, organizational behaviorReferences
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