Marchenko O. The theoretical aspects of the management competitivieness of the city


  • Ольга Василівна Марченко кафедра «Фінанси та кредит», Харківський національний університет будівництва та архітектури, Ukraine



competitiveness of the city, factors of competitiveness of the city, the competitive potential of the city


In this article is known approaches to definition of essence of the term «competitiveness of the city» have been considered. In particular of the underlined that in modern of the unstable economics of the-political conditions, management of competitiveness of cities is one of the most priority problems of bodies of local authorities. Such as phenomenon, as bankruptcy of cities which is even more often observed in the developed countries of the world is considered. That among principal causes of a financial inconsistency of cities it is possible to allocate the crisis phenomena in economy as a whole, incommensurable social obligations, mass depopulation of able-bodied population and an industrial collapse are defined. Directions on which are defined the competition can to be carried out, and also making elements which form competitive potential of a city are allocated and grouped. A city as object as of the management, of the influence of both external and internal factors. For this reason maintenance of competitiveness of a city probably only thanks to regular work on improve all components of potential of a city which, in turn, can be considered as competitiveness factors. These include natural resources, financial, economic, scientific- technical and innovation, investment, labor, cultural, tourist and organizational and management skills. Maintaining and strengthening the competitiveness of the city is possible only through the creation and implementation of all components of its potential. Increased competitive advantage and as a result, improve the competitiveness of the city will strengthen investment in innovation processes and enhance the socio -economic development, which has predictably lead to further human development and improving the quality of life of the city

Author Biography

Ольга Василівна Марченко, кафедра «Фінанси та кредит», Харківський національний університет будівництва та архітектури

к.е.н., доцент


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