Safarova R. The influence of external and internal factors on personnel management of industrial enterprise


  • Реґіна Валеріївна Сафарова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м.Маріуполь, Ukraine



innovation development, personnel holding, impact factors, competitors and suppliers, human technology, human resource management


That influences an important internal factor, on control system there is a personnel of enterprise, because is labour potential of enterprise and motive force of his innovative development. In the article the tendencies of height of meaningfulness of influence of external and internal factors are examined on control system by the personnel of modern industrial enterprise. To the external factors of direct influence customers, behave competitors, shareholders, suppliers and labour resources of holding. Government control, political instability in a country, system of education,, come forward the external factors of indirect influence level of culture of country and development of science. Analysed all factors of affecting control system of personnel, it is possible to draw conclusion, that for the successful decision of strategic tasks of effective management a primary value has determination of influence of all factors the personnel of enterprise on the indexes of estimation of efficiency of labour, timely and complete use of backlogs of height and perfection on the base of it scientifically reasonable system of analysis and planning of the labour and estimation of management efficiency productivity by the different categories of personnel of enterprise . Conducted by an author in-process the analysis of external and internal environment of industrial enterprise allowed to educe the group of basic factors of influence on an enterprise and analyse them. The chart of influence of external and internal factors offers an author on a management by a personnel example of holding, that allowed to distinguish a role and influence of each of elements and define "bottlenecks" in activity enterprises influencing on failures in skilled politics

Author Biography

Реґіна Валеріївна Сафарова, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м.Маріуполь



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