PanchenkoYu. The positioning of regions according to efficiency of dynamics of intellectual property market


  • Юлия Владимировна Панченко Херсонский национальный технический университет, Ukraine



intellectual property, regions, dynamics, monitoring, management, high technologies, recommendations


The dynamics of intellectual property development in the regions of Ukraine has been researched. The methods of estimating the intellectual property market efficiency has been proposed due to which the weight contribution of the regions into the general inventive activity in the state can be estimated, the missing positions can be pointed out and the ways of improving them can be identified. The model analysis of economic development in transformational economic has been performed, the principal theories of postindustrial economic development have been analyzed. The key factors of economic development in shaping economic knowledge have been determined. The leading role of knowledge progress in the general pace of technological changes under the dynamic changes in environment has been shown. The use of high technology in the regions and the terms of their commercial development have been studied. The monitoring and the comparative analysis of development trends have been performed, as well as the trends and recommendations have been analyzed. Informational-analytical provision of innovational activity in the article has been implemented by analyzing a number of data base sources that relate to classification of particular components of intellectual property, the use of which is determined by the necessity to evaluate and adopt to transformation change in knowledge economy and high technologies. It has been shown that overcoming the technological and socio-economic gap between the regions is part of overall system of ensuring sustainability of the state's economy

Author Biography

Юлия Владимировна Панченко, Херсонский национальный технический университет

к.э.н., доцент


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