Gonchar V. Marketing management of competitiveness of agricultural engineering enterprises


  • В. В. Гончар ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




competitiveness, marketing factors of competitiveness, marketing stages, methods of assessing the competitiveness, manufacturers of agricultural machinery.


The article investigates the marketing stages. In the article the necessity of marketing competitiveness management, which involves the concentration of efforts in this direction even at the stage of new product development, is proved. Marketing factors influencing the competitiveness of agricultural engineering enterprises are distinguished. Consideration of their effects will enable manufacturers to adapt to the rapidly changing economic conditions, to minimize the negative impact of the financial crisis and create opportunity in the future to obtain additional competitive advantages and a more favorable position in the market. In the article the necessity to assess competitiveness at every stage of the marketing is proved and recommendations on the application of the competitiveness assessment methods, depending on the stage, are given. PJSC "Red Star" has the highest level of competitiveness among manufacturers of agricultural machinery on the Ukrainian market. The analysis has shown the ability of domestic manufacturers to compete in the market of agricultural machinery. Introduction of competitive marketing management should be one of the directions of development. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of marketing management while developing program designed to gradually increase competitiveness by removing the negative aspects and solving complex social and economic problems. In particular the principles of marketing management include: the principle of the study of the characteristics and patterns of market development, monitoring and the formation of a common information base, the principle of adaptation to mobile environmental conditions and the principle of maximum impact on the internal market.

Author Biography

В. В. Гончар, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

д.е.н, доцент


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