Yaroshevskaya O. Forecasting development industry of Ukraine.


  • Оксана Ярошевська к.е.н., доцент, Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine




industry, forecasting, factors, indicators, regression model, wage costs, the consumer price index.


The article deals with current issues of for casting the development of industrial sector of Ukraine. With a wide range of different factors influence the development of industrial sector ofUkraineelected indicators net income (revenues) from sales of industrial products as rehresanda and indicators of average wages, consumer price index and the cost sector as regressors. On the basis of the production function Cobb-Douglas grounded multiple regression model of the industrial sector ofUkraine. It is proved that the rate of net income (revenue) from sales of industrial sector will increase by 0.931% if both factors increase the level indicators - indicators by 1%. The equation of multiple regression is quite accurate, and therefore built econometric model corresponds to the available empirical data and describes almost 97% of initial data. With probability 95% stated that based multifactor regression model as a whole is statistically significant and accurate correlation coefficient is significant.


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