Brytsyna V. Socio-economic conditions, possibilities and development directions of vocational education in Ukraine.


  • Юлія Володимирівна Бріцина Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine



Socio-economic guidance, vocational education, indicators of performance, monitoring studies system, management resource.


The article deals with the socio-economic targets for vocational education, highlighted a number of problems that need urgent attention. Emphasized that the present system of training the workforce in Ukraine should be brought into a more modern and efficient with the needs of the economy and the needs of the workforce in all professional fields. Relevance of the article mentioned that today vocational education is one of the elements that form the human capital of the society and serving the decisive factor of economic growth. The article studies the current state, conditions and perspectives of vocational education development in Ukraine. The proposed system is monitoring studies, which are based on indicators of the management executives effectiveness. The indicator "administrative resources" takes into account such criteria as administrative influence, awareness, useful work time, financial motivation. The indicator "Management Activity" takes into account such criteria as: self-improvement, internal controls, executive discipline. The indicator "Efficiency of administrative activity" takes into account such criteria as: the mobility of educational services, course training, qualification of graduate, professional graduates, social partnership, educational effectiveness. The proposed system is monitoring research information, which search and research, control and regulating, predictive direction. Quality and timely obtained from the research information is extremely important for a detailed analysis of administrative, organizational and economic activity of vocational schools with the identification of existing and prevention of possible errors, elimination of critical or unacceptable situations; for predicting trends, potential reserve capacity; for effective management decisions, as well as increased professional and administrative culture and mobility managers.

Author Biography

Юлія Володимирівна Бріцина, Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя



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