Uzun M. Strategies of stimulation of personnel labor.


  • Михайло Валентинович Узун ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



motivation, strategy of stimulation of personnel labor, innovative development of the enterprise.


One of the main goals of the labor incentive system for the personnel of the organization is an effective business development by maintaining an organization's employees, their social protection, promotion of productivity and fair assessment of the labor contribution of workers. While develping personnel incentive scheme the organization's leadership should take into account issues related to the elaboration plans of development of the overall organizational strategy. The purpose of the strategy of stimulation of personnel labor is an achievement and consolidation of permanent competitive advantages. These goals are achieved through the development and reinforcement of high levels of performance, based on innovation, to meet the requirements of the market dynamics. In the article the characteristics of the main strategies of stimulation are provided and it is proved that modern economic conditions, structural changes, that occur, require the transition to the stimulation strategy focused on the innovative activity of the organization and staff. The effectiveness of the personnel labor incentive system is strongly influenced by a whole range of factors of external and internal environment: organizational, legal, technical, material, social, moral and sociological. It is necessary to comply with the basic requirements during development of an incentive system: the promotion must be fair; incentives should reduce the degree of opposition to the changes. Such measures will enable the organization to resolve the tasks of the innovative development of the enterprise with the most effective result.

Author Biography

Михайло Валентинович Узун, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь



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