Epidemiological and ethiopological features of urinary tract infections , current state of problem (literature review)
urinary tract infections, endotoxins, antibacterial therapy, complicated urinary tract infection, antibiotic resistance, recurrentAbstract
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a group of the most common bacterial infections. Every year in the world more than 150 million cases are registered. UTI occupy second place after respiratory infections. There are different systems of classification of UTI. The most widely used are those developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Society for Infectious Diseases (IDSA), the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). According to the recommendations of the AEA 2017, UTIs are distinguished: uncomplicated, complicated, recurrent, catheter-associated and urosepsis. The dominant etiology of E. coli – E. coli, which is identified in 70–95%, is S. saprophyticus in 5–10% of patients. Other pathogens (Proteus mirabilis, K.neumoniae, P.aeruginosa) are more characteristic of complicated urinary tract infections. UTIs are characterized by high virulence, adherence and endotoxicity, in connection with which this group of microorganisms is able to counteract antibacterial drugs and is characterized by a high rate of recurrence.References
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