The case of toxic epidermal necrolysis in the patient with the chronic kidney disease of V stage on replacement therapy by the programme hemodialysis method
toxic epidermal necrolysis, chronic kidney disease, renal replacement therapy, hemodialysisAbstract
High comorbidity of chronic kidney disease dictates special, multidiscipline approach to the patients with terminal chronic renal failure. Toxic epidermal necrolysis, or Lyell’s syndrome refers to the severe, rarely encountered diseases, diagnosis and treatment of which against the background of the terminal stage of chronic kidney disease causes significant difficulties. The article describes own clinical observation of toxic epidermal necrolysis in a patient with chronic kidney disease stage V on renal replacement therapy by hemodialysis. The patient, who received hemodialysis for 6 years, was directed to correction of the arteriovenous shunt with his thrombosis and suppuration. The formation of a new permanent vascular access in the middle third of the thigh in the postoperative period was complicated by a purulent-septic process with the development of generalized sepsis and Lyell’s syndrome. The occurrence of Lyell’s syndrome in a patient with CKD stage V on hemodialysis demonstrates immunological features and high comorbidity in patients with terminal chronic renal failure and confirms the difficulty of maintaining this patient category.References
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