Prognostic significance of immunohystochemical markers in prostate intraepithelial neoplasia


  • M.P. Melnychuk SIS “Research and practical center of preventive and clinical medicine” SAD, Ukraine
  • O.O. Lulko Zaporizhzhya regional clinical hospital, Ukraine
  • A.Z. Zhuravchak SIS “Research and practical center of preventive and clinical medicine” SAD, Ukraine



prostate intraepithelial neoplasia, immunohystochemical markers, prostate cancer


The article is dedicated to diagnostics of prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), that is considered to be prostate precancerous process. Expression of proliferation (Ki-67), invasion (p63) and progression (AMACR) tissue markers was analised in patients with PIN who had malignisation. 74 patients with benign prostate hyperplasia and PIN were examined. During 3-year follow up period were detected 23 prostate cancer cases. The expression rate of immunohystochemical markers was assessed in comparing with median expression rate in patients with high grade PIN. It was determined that Ki-67 expression in PIN with malignant progression is 8,6 % bigger than in PIN without detected PC and correlates with high PC probability. p63 expression in PIN with malignant progression is 16,7 % smaller than in PIN without detected PC and has inverse correlation with high PC probability. AMACR expression in PIN with malignant progression is 16,7 % bigger than in PIN without detected PC and correlates with high PC probability. Immunohystochemical examination with Кі-67, р63 and AMACR markers level detection has a prognostic significance for stratification of risk group of malignisation and extended examination of patients with PIN including rebiopsy.


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