Mesothelium and stomata state in parietal layer of human tunica vaginalis testis in hydrocele
hydrocele, mesothelium, stomata, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopyAbstract
The mesothelium state in the parietal layer of the tunica vaginal testis was studied in 10 hydrocele patients with the help of light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy methods. Patientsј disease duration was from 9 months to 5 years. It is determined that with the disease duration increases mesotheliocytes polymorphism grows. Mesotheliocytes acquire an elongated and cup-shaped form. Mesotheliocytes connectivity indicator decreases. At first the number of microvilli increases on the of mesotheliocytes surface and then decreases sharply. The mesothelial layer thickness increases and at the same time mesothelium surface unevenness increases too. The ratio of mesothelium unevenness length to the length of conditionally smooth surface changes from 1,10-1,14 to 1,88-1,92. The expansion of submesothelial layer lymphatic vessels takes plase. The number stomata (“ruptures” of the mesothelium through which resorption of the hydroceles fluid) increases. For the first time ever stomata in the parietal layer of the human tunica vaginal testis was described by us in 2003. The lymphocapillaries approach to stomata bottom directly contacting with hydroceles fluid and take part in its resorbtion. With the increase in disease duration the stomata form changes from round to oblong and irregular one and their diameter varies from 2.8 to 5.2 mkm. Closed stomatа appear which have lost contact with the submesothelial layer where sharp swelling of mesotheliocytes.References
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