Qualities of thinking in interns of various specialties





higher education, theoretical creative clip thinking, interns, postgraduate studies


The analysis of 98 anonymous profiles of interns in the specialties of urology, anesthesiology and dentistry be performed. For a verbal assessment of the quality of thinking of interns, we used a modified test of thinking and creativity by J. Bruner. The proportion of interns with high theoretical (flexible) thinking was evenly distributed and was quite high in all study groups; the average degree of flexible thinking prevailed among respondents of all groups, but among dentists, its level was 15 and 10% lower than that of urologists and anesthetists, respectively. The high level of creative thinking in interns was identical to the theoretical one, but among anesthetics interns it was 5% lower than in other study groups. The average level of creative thinking prevailed, and the lowest was the smallest in all study groups. Differences in the indicator among interns of different specialties did not have statistical significance. As for clip (quick) thinking, its high level among interns-anesthetists was 10-11% lower than in other study groups. Clip thinking in the system of medical education tends to grow and pushes clinical. Modern medical education requires the formation of a qualitatively new approach to the educational process, based on the formation and development of clinical thinking, taking into account the psychological characteristics of modern youth. The inability for the intern to systematize the acquired knowledge every year causes more and more discontent and leads to a decrease in professional training. The use of tests in education reduces the critical, analytical capabilities of students, again, forcing them to catch only fragments of a particular phenomenon, without clarifying its causes, patterns, without constructing logical circuits. In connection with the foregoing, we see the need to create alternative educational programs, change the structure of the provision of information with a predominance of situational basis, the translation of textbooks in digital form with a multi-level structure.


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Higher education