Effect of alimentral factors on urine pH





The metabolic mechanisms of humans were formed many thousands of years ago, and one of the most important factors in their formation was the diet. Rapid progress has led to a sharp change in diet, which entails changes in the biochemical processes of the body, a change in the composition of its natural environments and, as a result, leads to various diseases. Pathological acidification of human urine, contributing to the development of urolithiasis, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract is a consequence of malnutrition. When forming a diet, in addition to the traditional characteristics of food, such as its calorie content, its protein, fat, carbohydrate, and salt content, it is necessary to take into account such an indicator as the potential renal acid load of food PRAL. A study was conducted in which 53 people took part, their diets were analyzed and the acidity of their urine was measured in dynamics. The results obtained in most cases corresponded to the expected ones calculated according to the acidity tables of the products. Patterns were established between diet and urine acidity differences. A change in urine pH was detected with medication.


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