Pathogenic role of n-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase activity in monitoring pharmaco-correction in acute pyelonephritis complicated by diabetes mellitus in experiment
Infection-inflammatory diseases such as acute pyelonephritis and concomitant diabetes mellitus in 50.0% of patients with diabetes leads to recurrent kidney infection with the gradual development of severe morphological changes, as signs of a high probability of developing diabetic nephropathy (DN), manifested in 15.0% of the said group sick. Namely, DN, which affects about a third of adults with diabetes, most often leads to chronic renal failure, is accompanied by significant cardiovascular complications and mortality. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of pathogenetically oriented drug exposure on the course of acute pyelonephritis and concomitant diabetes mellitus in an experiment, based on a study of changes in the activity of the enzyme N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase in rat’s cidney, blood and urine. It was determined that the activity of the studied tubular lysosomal enzyme in the urine of rats with OP with concomitant type II diabetes mellitus was significantly increased relative to the norm (151.8%), compared to the data of the group of animals without drug exposure, it significantly decreased to 51.3 %, and relative to the group of rats receiving EMV activity was significantly reduced to 61.5%. Thus, despite changes in the activity of the lysosomal enzyme N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase, as a marker of damage to the cells of the tubular epithelium of the proximal tubule of the nephron, in rats with OP on the background of concomitant diabetes mellitus, it should be considered that the use of EPMB seems experimentally justified for correction metabolic disorders and restoration of the functional ability of the glomerular and tubular apparatus of the kidneys in conditions of concomitant course of OP and diabetes. He use of etiopathogenetic drug exposure contributed to the development of a pronounced tendency to normalize the activity of N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase in cidney tissue, blood and urine in acute pyelonephritis complicated by concomitant type I and type II diabetes mellitus, which is experimental confirmation of the effectiveness of the drug exposure we proposed for the studied pathological conditions.References
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