The level of tissue DNA fragmentation – diagnostic and therapeutic screening of acute pyelonephritis and diabetes in the experiment
Biochemical and electron microscopic studies indicate the participation of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of many pathological conditions, which makes it possible to classify programmed cell death as a universal general pathological process of early development of numerous diseases and syndromes with the entire complex of clinical manifestations. Features of the pathways of internal apoptotic signals and changes in intracellular processes contribute to the development of destructive processes in the cell, which ends with the destruction of genomic DNA with further cellular phagocytosis. The aim of the work was to study the level of nuclear DNA fragmentation in peripheral blood cells and kidneys of rats under the conditions of the experiment.
Compared with the data of the norm, it should be noted that in rats with АP in the hyperglycemic state, the level of DNA fragmentation was higher with etiotropic drug exposure than with the use of etiotropic-pathogenetic drug exposure. So, with EME, the level of fragmented DNA in АP against the diabetes melitus of a type I model was increased in blood leukocytes by 163.0% and in kidney tissue by 80.1%, and in type II diabetes in leukocytes by 122.6%, and in kidneys by 56.3%. Whereas with the use of EPMV, the indicator of DNA fragmentation in AP with type I diabetes was increased in blood leukocytes by 98.8% and in kidney tissue by 41.4%, and in the model of type II diabetes in leukocytes by 42.7%, and in kidneys by 20.4%. It should be emphasized that the use of EPMV in animals with AP and a concomitant prototype of diabetes in relation to the data with EMV turned out to be effective, significantly reducing the level of fragmented DNA,reducing this indicator in models of type I and II diabetes in the kidneys by 21.5% and 22.9%, respectively, compared with the result of etiotropic drug exposure.
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