Goroshkova L., Volkov V. The system approach to the management of energy savings on mezzolevel.


  • Лідія Анатоліївна Горошкова Запорізький національний університет, Ukraine
  • Володимир Петрович Волков Запорізький національний університет, Ukraine




energyefficiency, energysavings, mezolevel, management, technology


In article the research of a problem in Ukraine on mezolevel is carried out. Is proved, that the municipal power of Ukraine is technically backward sector of economy with many problems, which recently essentially have become aggravated. Among the fundamental factors of such problems the essential place borrows low energy efficiency. Absence of the investments in branch has resulted in significant deterioration of a technical condition of a fixed capital, increase of an accident rate of objects of a housing and municipal services, increase of specific and unproductive expenses material and power resources. The unsatisfactory modern condition of municipal power is predetermined also by imperfection of system energy consumption, in particular by lack of systems regulation, and also imperfection of existing building designs.The carried out comparative researches of a situation with energy savings and energy efficiency in Ukraine and Zaporozhye area. Is proved, that by the basic reason of an inefficiency use of heat in the Zaporozhye area is losses of heat in networks. Offered such measures on improvement of a situation with energy savings in the Zaporozhye region: modernization of networks supply by a heat in Zaporozhye, other cities and areas of area with the purpose of decrease of losses; development of the projects termomodernization of objects of the municipal property and budget sphere; optimization of tariff politics; optimization of system of the grants and grants in payment of services.


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How to Cite

Горошкова, Л. А., & Волков, В. П. (2016). Goroshkova L., Volkov V. The system approach to the management of energy savings on mezzolevel. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 133–139. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.31.2016.104810


