Makarenko M., Shayhatdinov A. Research of directions of specialisation of seaports of Ukraine.


  • Марина Василівна Макаренко Азовський морський інститут м. Маріуполь., Ukraine
  • Андрій Загітович Шайхатдінов Азовський морський інститут м. Маріуполь., Ukraine



seaports, specialisation of ports, relative density of cargoes, transfer volumes, investment projects.


In article it is underlined that for increase of efficiency of sea transportations huge value has a level of development of a transportno-logistical infrastructure. As key infrastructural object the seaport in this case acts. In modern conditions the seaport represents multipurpose object which provides realisation possibility including the mixed transportations. Maintenance of competitiveness of the state, forecasting of the future directions of its development is impossible without increase of an overall performance of a sea economic complex. It is proved that the Ukrainian ports were at all times and remain attractive to potential investors. It is connected with the big transit potential of Ukraine as through territory of our country take place the main transport corridors, including the sea. One more reason of appeal of the Ukrainian ports for investors is their specialisation. Necessity of consideration of specialisation of the greatest ports of Ukraine for attraction of potential investors is proved. The cargo turn of continental sea trading ports of Ukraine for 2012-2015 is analysed. Relative densities of kinds of cargoes in a cargo turn of the greatest ports of Ukraine are resulted. Specialisation of the greatest ports of Ukraine is considered and prospects of their future development are resulted. Kinds of cargoes which define their specialisation are allocated: coal, ore, oil, ferrous metals, grain and containers. It is underlined that in the Ukrainian ports grain cargoes, and also bulk and bulk are key. It is proved that attraction both state, and foreign investors will allow to open potential and to develop ports, having made their modern enterprises capable to win in competitive struggle against foreign ports of the Azovo-Black Sea pool.


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How to Cite

Макаренко, М. В., & Шайхатдінов, А. З. (2016). Makarenko M., Shayhatdinov A. Research of directions of specialisation of seaports of Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 176–183.


