M. Gorbachevskaya. Financial and economic security of the enterprises of the machine-building industry.


  • Марина Олексіївна Горбашевська Маріупольський державний університет, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




financial and economic security, machine building, management, enterprise.


The article defines the place and role of financial and economic security of the enterprises of the machine-building industry. The article reveals the tendencies of development of machine building of Ukraine. The significance of economic security for machine-building enterprises is highlighted. The main aspects of ensuring the system of economic security of the enterprise are considered. It is noted that the financial and economic safety of mechanical engineering should provide a leading role in the development and operation of the country's economic system for its further functioning. The author determines that in order to create a transparent and favorable economic space, for the development of mechanical engineering and the national economy as a whole in the region, it is necessary to develop financial and economic security and to ensure a transparent foreign and domestic policy of the country which depends to a great extent on the level of stability and significance of its economic security. This is a fundamental issue because, based on the financial and economic security of machine building, the state becomes an essential multilevel system that constantly needs to protect all its actors at different levels of the economic management structure: the state, region, industry, sector of economy, individual enterprise, person. It is impossible to carry out an analysis of the financial and economic security of the enterprises of the machine-building industry without the necessary information on the level of its economic and financial security. This information is needed not only for the owners of the company and its managers, but also gives investors and lenders some opportunity to analyze the company for its attractiveness for the introduction of new elements of investment and lending.


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How to Cite

Горбашевська, М. О. (2017). M. Gorbachevskaya. Financial and economic security of the enterprises of the machine-building industry. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (34), 195–200. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.34.2017.129151


