O. Lekontseva. Modern ways of operation of business aimed at development.


  • Ольга Володимирівна Леконцева Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




strategic management, enterprise development, effective activity, approaches and management methods, management models.


In article it is noticed that consequences of financial and economic crisis in the country demand much of qualification and experience of heads of the enterprises in the conditions of infringement of market interrelations and the competitive environment. Therefore, consideration of essence of concept of management by development of the enterprise, its effective activity, methods, principles and approaches to management of it, is object of research. Level of a theoretical and practical readiness of this problem cannot be sufficient because of presence of specific factors which form operating conditions of the enterprises of Ukraine. Definition of concept of effective functioning of system from a position of the system approach is resulted. Management methods by effective functioning of the enterprises, in the conditions of increasing unpredictability, novelty and complexity of environment which can be used in Ukraine are resulted. The list of management methods which are checked up by practice is added and act as a basis for achievement of high indicators of activity of the enterprises in the history of economy. Principles on which are presented management methods which guarantee achievement of high indicators of activity are realised. Models of management of the in the lead countries of the world which enterprises take the first positions in the international markets are presented. It is placed emphasis that without application of analytical models or their graphic displays is heavy to make the well-founded quantitative decision for operation of business. Use of models allows to prepare exact enough quantitative decision at the known initial data, and in the conditions of uncertainty to find area of admissible decisions and to avoid gross blunders at operation of business. In article also it is noticed that considering forecasts of the changes expected in sphere manufacture and management, world practice has developed corresponding approaches to management. The accent is made that modern concepts of strategic management is methodical base of creation and development of competitive productive and economic systems of base level - the companies, firms, the enterprises. The essence of management is formulated by effective functioning of the enterprise.


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How to Cite

Леконцева, О. В. (2017). O. Lekontseva. Modern ways of operation of business aimed at development. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (34), 237–244. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.34.2017.129179


