Kalynyna A. Essence and necessity to maintain complex development of the region


  • Г. Г. Калініна Азовський морський інститут м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




Regional development, complex regional development, economic growth, sustainable development, regional managements


In the article to maintain complex development of regions of the country is grouded, problems leading to it are mentioned. The increase in level of comlex development of regions is a long process which is connected with structural transformations of production elements, social sphere, environment and territory planning, improvement in balance, mutual position and interaction of all elements of the region as being renewed complex. Peculiarity of regional problems of Ukraine is based on the experience of transformational economy when there was a formation of new geopolitical and economic space. The concept «regional development» is investigated by different scientific schools  thought and absence of a unified approach concerning interpretation of this term at present time is underlined now. The critical analysis of concept "sustainable development" is carried out. It is underlined that the term "sustainable development" for a region should be defined from the point of view of a dialectic principle of unity of contrasts, such as "stability" and "development". From this side regional development represents strategy of transition from initial stable position of a life cycle to its final stable position for the limited period with a positive gain of criterial function. The main thing in complex development of a region is the interrelation of material renewal, renewal of humans and environment. The renewed structure of a region should be considered as social, economical and natural complex. On the basis of aggregated opinions of the scientists, definitions of complex development of a region as such is given and it grounds  on social and economic reference points which become a basis for formation of such balance and proportions between separate elements of a regional complex which would create conditions for effective joining of a region to a territorial labour division and solving problems inside a region


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How to Cite

Калініна, Г. Г. (2015). Kalynyna A. Essence and necessity to maintain complex development of the region. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 273–279. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.29.2015.52277