Mykhailyshyn L.I. To the question about methodological principles of transformation processes of transnationalization of economic activity


  • Л. І. Михайлишин «Івано-Франківський навчально-науковий інститут менеджменту Тернопільського національного економічного університету», м. Івано-Франківськ, Ukraine



globalization, transformations, capital flows, mergers and acquisitions of TNC, types of TNC’s mergers, types of TNC’s acquisitions, aims of TNC’s mergers, aims of TNC’s acquisitions.


The need to study certain methodological foundations of transformation processes of transnationalization of economic activity is conditioned by the need for the development of measure system  to optimize their impact on the national economy or on  its strategic sectors. Transformation processes of transnationalization of economic activity arise in the result of the of action numerous factors, source of their origin is transnational economic activity itself and economic environment of their operation. The consequences of such transformation processes are largely positive for the participating companies, but the economic environment in which they occur mostly suffers from actual restriction of competition and monopolization of separate market segment. Numerous forms of transformation processes and methodological bases of the functioning of each of them are investigated.. According to the results of this study the major spheres of influence of  transformation processes on the  national fields are identified . The study of these issues and their further solution enable the most efficient use of the positive consequences of such transformation and optimization of  its negative impact of the socio-economic development of Ukraine or any other country.


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How to Cite

Михайлишин, Л. І. (2015). Mykhailyshyn L.I. To the question about methodological principles of transformation processes of transnationalization of economic activity. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 288–294.