Deminskij Serhij. Factors of instability in the global crisis


  • С. А. Демінський Інститут світової економіки і міжнародних відносин НАН України, м. Київ, Ukraine



instability, globalization, destabilization, safety, liberalization, capital volatility


The article deals with main causes and consequences of global sources of instability in the current development of the global economy. It is substantiated that feature contemporary processes of globalization is the rapid spread of destabilizing events in the local conditions of growing interdependence of countries increasingly give momentum and triggered the chain reaction in a domino effect. The relationship between the imposition of the developing countries, the paradigm of neoliberalism and increasing volatility of their economic systems is analyzed. The basic factors of instability of national economies in the context of national security systems are researched. The role of transnational corporations in the dissemination of economic instability on a global level is revealed. The main reasons for the increased volatility and spread the example of currency crises and financial crises of Southeast Asia in the 1970s are identified. The contribution of international economic organizations, including the International Monetary Fund to increase global instability is researched. The decisive role of the monetary sphere in rapid global transmission of instability in the world economy is characterized. The basic features of destabilizing financial information impact on planetary economic space as integrity are analyzed. The demographic factor in the spread of global instability is investigated. It is revealed that a special danger for the destabilization of the planet comes from relatively poor country with a large proportion of young people.


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How to Cite

Демінський, С. А. (2015). Deminskij Serhij. Factors of instability in the global crisis. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 304–310.