Lositska T. The international experience of state regulation of agriculture


  • Т. І. Лосіцька Український державний університет фінансів і міжнародної торгівлі, м. Київ, Ukraine




state regulation, agriculture, agribusiness, government support, subsidies, agricultural products.


The article deals with international experience of the state regulation in countries with developed agriculture sector. Origins of the current practice of state regulation of agriculture in the United States are analyzed. It is shown that the basic mechanism of state support for farmers in the US is price controls on agricultural products using two types of "price support", target price and mortgage. The peculiarities of state regulation of grain market in Canada are investigated. It is revealed that a characteristic feature of the regulation is two-tier system of payment based on grain farmers practice initial and final prices. The features of state intervention into the food market in Greece, Spain and Portugal and modification of intervention methods after their accession to the European Union are analyzed. The evolution and main characteristics of state regulation of agriculture in the EU are researched. International experience of state control over the production of certain agricultural products through market regulations (documents which record marginal production and marketing of agricultural products required to meet the needs of the population of individual regions and exports) is characterized. The role of budget support for family farms in agricultural development in Switzerland and Australia is revealed. The role of administrative measures of state regulation of agriculture in the United States, Poland and the Czech Republic is determined. The volume of state subsidies for agriculture in Ukraine and the countries is analyzed .



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How to Cite

Лосіцька, Т. І. (2015). Lositska T. The international experience of state regulation of agriculture. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 325–330. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.29.2015.52296