Kyselov M. Institutional prerequisites for the formation of competitive economic model of Ukraine


  • М. О. Кисельов Інституту світової економіки і міжнародних відносин НАН України, м. Київ, Ukraine



Economic reforms, competitiveness, development strategy


The article deals with the role and importance of institutional development in providing innovative growth of the national economy. the shortcomings of market mechanisms and public management of the economy in the absence of reliable institutional framework are analyzed. The role of institutions in ensuring effective interaction between market forces and government regulation of the economy is investigated. Interdependence between institutional and economic development on the example of the US economic system is characterized. Correlation between institutional development of the world and the nature of international migration of capital and labor in them is defined. It is proved that even without modern institutions play high growth rates do not provide a steady movement towards economic and social progress. The reasons why economic institutions in Ukraine are in its infancy and very deformed state are revealed. The model of national economic construction of the institutional environment that meets the highest criteria of modernity and operates as a self-sustaining system through synergies gained through interaction and complementarity of the respective institutions is suggested. The necessity of continuous monitoring and evaluation of institutional prerequisites of competitive models Ukrainian national economy is grounded. The preconditions necessary to activate function of banks to modernize the national economy of Ukraine are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Кисельов, М. О. (2015). Kyselov M. Institutional prerequisites for the formation of competitive economic model of Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 335–342.