Cherep A.V. Lashkarava V.V. Essence and organization ecologically of clean production are on enterprises of engineer


  • А. В. Череп Запорізький національний університет, Ukraine
  • В. В. Лашкарава Запорізький національний університет, Ukraine



Ecologically clean production, potential, development, strategy, measures, income, ecological innovations, economic analysis of naturally-resource factors, conception, upgrading of environment


In the article the analytical review of scientific approaches to the essence of "ecologically clean production" (ECP) The aspects of environmental performance of enterprises aimed at the conservation and restoration of the environment through the organization of cleaner production, the main priorities and principles of cleaner production and benefits received by enterprise based programs ECP in its activities, defined the principles on which the net output in the engineering, studied the world experience implementing cleaner production in enterprises of mechanical engineering, and the direction of priority implementation of cleaner production in the mechanical engineering according to priority environmental safety, solved existing problem of implementation the industry cleaner production, the main technological principle of clean production, defined the components of ecologization production in the mechanical engineering, studies highlights ecologization production in the mechanical engineering, studied the principles underlying net output in the engineering, defined the vector of development, growth naukomistkosti and adaptability engineering, defined the ecologization and production resources, the essence of resource, structure and principles on which the clean production, shows the priority areas of implementation of cleaner production, proved the importance of technical and technological, organizational and economic innovation sustainable development implementation of cleaner production in enterprises of mechanical engineering , the features of the solution of environmental problems as part of an innovative approach, the necessity of studying the gradual environmental innovation, and above all eco-efficiency tools and models "Cleaner Production", the potential introduction of which the majority are domestic companies.


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How to Cite

Череп, А. В., & Лашкарава, В. В. (2015). Cherep A.V. Lashkarava V.V. Essence and organization ecologically of clean production are on enterprises of engineer. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 358–366.