Marchenko I. On the cognitive approach in the development of small business profits


  • І. Ф. Марченко ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



cognitive modeling, management and planning systems, cognitive map of the factors, the profit of small businesses


Management decisions under uncertainty requires new methods and tools justification. Cognitive modeling is to reduce the uncertainty of events through the use of expert assessments, scenario forecasting of the problem situation and adequate formation targets. In the article the application of the methodology of cognitive modeling research processes profit small businesses and get-scenario forecast the behavior of dynamic systems. Cognitive modeling method allows to analyze factors influencing their force interaction, build roughly weighted graph for dynamic factors semistructured system.  With the help of cognitive modeling developed cognitive map of the situation representing the basic laws and laws of the situation. Generated and verified the hypothesis of the functional structure of the situation observed until the functional structure are explained the situation. An analysis of the cognitive model of profit of small businesses, is to study the dependency system, study the causal relationships in the model.


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How to Cite

Марченко, І. Ф. (2015). Marchenko I. On the cognitive approach in the development of small business profits. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 377–384.