Voloshin V. On the question of social and biographical nature of money


  • В. С. Волошин «Приазовский государственный технический университет», Академия экономических наук Украины., Ukraine




money, profession, economy, crime, the properties of money


Current article reviews the questions concerning basic aspects of the sociality of money and their biographical nature. It is noted in article that the occurrence of money may lunch any national economy. It makes money the most important tool of the national, domestic and foreign policy. Money entitles the state not only to conduct internal and external trade, but also makes it more intense, effective; it provides any ruler with instrument for influence on economic and policy of the neighboring countries; it enables any ruler to interfere into social relations. Examples of the biographical nature of money and its influence on the development of the entire economy are shown. It is concluded that the unique property of money lies in their inexplicable ability to get all kinds of people involved in its sphere, cross their destinies where they would never otherwise cross, deform them, elevate some of them and destroy others. In this regard, money is beyond any competition in its degree of impact on people’s lives. By these factors, an immense personality and biographical sociality of money are emphasized. No other artificial object in the nature possesses such a degree of sociality as money does. In this aspect, money forms social appearance of our society. Many of its features is nothing but a manifestation of the unique properties of the phenomenon, which is called - money.


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How to Cite

Волошин, В. С. (2015). Voloshin V. On the question of social and biographical nature of money. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 23–26. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.30.2015.74159