Pechulyak Y., Iksarova N. The peculiarities of international marketing at the domestic enterprises


  • Ю. С. Печуляк Київський університет туризму, економіки і права м. Київ, Ukraine
  • Н. О. Іксарова Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет м. Київ, Ukraine



marketing, international marketing, strategy, management


In the article the essence of international marketing and its features are analyzed. Differences in concepts of international marketing and marketing, which is used in the enterprise in the domestic market are determined. Approaches to international marketing management process are generalized, including the implementation of the peculiarities of individual management functions in international marketing, and the formation mechanism of international marketing strategy of firm is analyzed: assumptions, principles, key stages of strategic decision-making in international marketing and strategy formation are generalized. The main factors that influence the effectiveness of international marketing management, which include, qualified manpower, readiness of the enterprise to focus on consumer marketing orientation penetration in other areas of management are determined. Directions of improvement of this process at the domestic enterprises in the context of the reform of Ukrainian companies with customers in domestic and foreign markets are proposed


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How to Cite

Печуляк, Ю. С., & Іксарова, Н. О. (2015). Pechulyak Y., Iksarova N. The peculiarities of international marketing at the domestic enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (30), 325–332.