Gurenko A., Potapova N. Modern trends in optimization of the port infrastructure management system.


  • Анна Василівна Гуренко Азовський морський інститут НУ «ОМА» м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Наталія Миколаївна Потапова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м.Маріуполь., Ukraine



sea port, port infrastructure, infrastructure elements, transport management, comprehensive management, cost-effectiveness, management decision-making, improving the management system.


The role and place of port infrastructure in the marine complex management system has been studied. It was found out that the existing theoretical and methodological approaches do not allow solving multifaceted issues involved in the port infrastructure management. Lack of experience in applying management tools slows down perspective development of ports. Interconnection between macro-, meso-, and microlevels of sea transportation management has been analyzed. The normative and legal base regulating the port operation has been described; its role and impact on the port management system have been defined. The authors give the classification characteristics of the port infrastructure components and define the key rules of its functioning. The existing limitations which influence the decision-making process at the port infrastructure level have been analyzed. The authors consider the approaches to optimizing the port infrastructure management system. The idea of reviewing the existing management instruments and comparing them with a modern complex used in global management applications is put forward. The most important aspects are defined as follows: instruments of administrative, strategic, branch, production, operational, financial, investment, project, personnel, innovation, information, ecological management, marketing management, risk management, quality management, and administration. It is recommended to optimize the port infrastructure management system by way of systematic development of integrated work plans, which should include distribution of functions between structural units taking into account specific aspects of transportation management. The proposed procedures will allow to minimize the risks and losses, improve the results of operational activities and enhance competitiveness of the port infrastructure.


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How to Cite

Гуренко, А. В., & Потапова, Н. М. (2016). Gurenko A., Potapova N. Modern trends in optimization of the port infrastructure management system. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (32), 27–35.


